About Laura


Herbalist & Naturopath Laura Grigaliute

Laura's journey into the world of Herbalism began with her studies in herbal medicine and naturopathy and her Qualification as a Herbalist and Naturopath. But her interest for natural health goes way beyond textbooks and diplomas. She has a lifelong interest in herbalism, natural health and permaculture and has experienced the incredible healing power of nature firsthand. Laura strives to live and die healthy. And like all of us, goes through natural processes such as struggles and healing, losses and victories, learning and growing and ultimately depending on God, the source of all health! 

Laura offers insights and advise on how to naturally improve or return to health. It is not always ingesting herbal medicines or supplements, sometimes it can be a matter of changing attitudes, learning and understanding one's weaknesses and strengths. Laura uses high quality herbal preparations, fungi and nutritional supplements to support health. They are meticulously sourced from trusted suppliers that undergo quality assurance processes.  

Laura is a member of Irish Register of Herbalists and takes part in continuous professional development.