We offer advice and recommendations through complementary, alternative and preventive care as part of our consultations.

Herbal Medicine Services

Complementary Support

We provide complementary support when you find yourself in need of extra assistance in addition to your existing treatment. Herbs can help to reduce unwanted side effects, as well as address various bothersome symptoms that may be associated with your particular condition. By incorporating herbal remedies, you may find a more holistic approach to managing your health and wellness.

Alternative Medicine

We can provide a valuable alternative option when no conventional treatments are available to you or when you simply prefer a more natural approach to every day ailments or chronic health issues.

Post-recovery & Prevention

Besides treating specific symptoms and health problems, helping the body and mind recover post-illness is a common practice and an integral part of our advice in holistic preventive care. If you are looking to regain your strength and vitality, we utilize a variety of herbs known as adaptogens. These beneficial plants are renowned for their properties that enhance our overall resistance, ultimately boosting vitality and promoting a more resilient and balanced state of health in our clients. This approach aims to support both physical and mental elements.

We facilitate biological tests that give important insights about your health. BTS Ireland provide scientifically sound tests for Herbalists, Naturopaths and doctors alike. They are easy, safe, and non-invasive tests. You will get a test kit to collect samples at home with clear instructions.

Functional Tests

Gut Health Tests

Gut Health Tests can check for Candida, H. pylori, molds, yeast, helpful and harmful bacteria, parasites, leaky gut, intestinal bleeding, tumor and inflammation markers. Testing can be tailored for your individual health situation.

Price range €100 - €400

Hormone Health Tests

Hormone Health tests include screens for histamine, GABA, serotonin, tryptophan, estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone, DHEA, Estrogen dominance screen for Estradiol & Progesterone.

Price Range €85 - €255

Immunity Markers

Includes sIgA screen to check the state of your gut immunity – low immunity or inflammation.

Price range €151 - €232

Specific G I T issues

EPX – an exclusion diagnostic for true allergies, parasites and inflammation.

I B S - Histamine screen. GABA screen, Serotonin screen, Tryptophan screen.

Price range €160 - €390

Burnout / Adrenal exhaustion

This test will check cortisol levels in the morning, mid-morning, evening, and at night, along with melatonin levels at night and DHEA levels.

Price range €85 - €150